
Sustainable Tourism in Gran Canaria: Our commitment

Our commitment to Sustainable Tourism in Gran Canaria

The year 2020 is turning out to be a turbulent year in the World; which is making us rethink what our priorities are and what we can do to improve our environment. At Sky Rebels, we have always followed the principle of sustainability, respect for the environment and respect for our visitors. That is why, since we created our company in 2013, we have been governed by the principles of sustainable tourism. Then, you can learn about our commitment to sustainable tourism in Gran Canaria and the points that support it.

What is sustainable tourism?

It is tourism that follows the principles of sustainability: minimizing the impact on the environment and local culture; while contributing to generating income and employment for the local population. It is a pathway to managing all resources so that economic, social and aesthetic needs can be met, while respecting cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and life-sustaining systems.

Sustainable tourism Gran Canaria

What are our commitments to fulfill sustainable tourism in Gran Canaria?

  • Give priority to the local economy and consumption: 80% of the products we are going to consume come from the Canary Islands. In addition, in the areas we are going to visit, you can find local businesses with 100% Canarian products.
  • Prioritize quality over quantity: we promise to work with small groups of maximum 6 people.
  • Reduce the use of plastics: we will provide our clients with reusable material (glass, metal, earthenware) properly sanitized; minimizing as much as possible the use of plastic and using other more sustainable disposable materials (recycled and recyclable material). In any case, the current hygienic-sanitary measures will be respected.
  • Protect natural resources and conserve biodiversity: 56% of the territory of Gran Canaria has been declared a Biosphere Reserve by Unesco. During our visits to this area, we will respect all environmental regulations and reduce our impact on it.
  • Preserve the cultural identity of the territory: For this; we are going to avoid all kinds of commercial stops that do not provide cultural value and are not identifying features of Gran Canaria.
  • Conserve the tangible and intangible cultural heritage: We are not only going to show you the natural landscapes and the towns of the interior; but also you will be able to taste the local gastronomy and get to know part of the Canarian traditions (music, crafts, traditions, etc).
  • Promote the circular economy: Through responsible consumption, reduction of waste and maximization of recyclable materials.

What can you do to help us?

  • Respect environmental standards and collaborate in protecting the environment.
  • Minimize the consumption of disposable products.
  • Consume genuinely local products.
  • Ask us: we are willing to give you all the information you want, places to visit, culture, gastronomy, history, nature … so that you can better understand our way of life.

Do you want to make a reservation of our activities?

For our private excursions without commercial stops, click here.

For our paratrike flights, click here.

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